The deliverables of the PREMISE project are distributes across five work packages (WPs). You can learn more about the specific goal and expected deliverables of each work package by clicking on its title below. We will add information and links to deliverables over time as we address them.

  1. planned
  2. in-progress
  3. completed

Develop metadata standards for machine-actionable interoperability between electronic lab notebooks (ELNs)/lab information management systems (LIMSs) and workflow management systems (WFMSs), apply these standards to Materials Science ontologies, and demostrate full integration via a closed-loop ELN-WFMS workflow

Nukorn Plainpan, Fabio Lopes, Edan Bainglass, Caterina Barillari, Corsin Battaglia, Carlo Pignedoli, Giovanni Pizzi

A documentation of our gained experience in the development and usage of ontologies to facilitate interoperability in experimental-simulation materials science research.

Most recent version: March 2024

Fabio Lopes, Aliaksandr Yakutovich, Carlo Pignedoli

A demonstration of interoperability between openBIS and AiiDAlab following best-practices detailed in D1.1 and leveraging metadata schemas defined in D2.1.

Description coming soon.

Description coming soon.

Implement the standards and guidelines of WP 1 to simulation-assisted experiments, with particular focus to the broad fields of microscopy and spectroscopy, including automation of research data publishing to open repositories

Fabio Lopez, Carlo A. Pignedoli

The first version of a metadata schema mapping experiments and simulations of microscopy/spectroscopy of molecules on surfaces.

Most recent version: September 2024

Description coming soon.

Description coming soon.

Implement the standards and guidelines of WP 1 to battery research, focusing on the development of a data schema for digital twins, and develop best practices for designing and implementing autonomous robotic materials science labs

Nukorn Plainpan, Corsin Battaglia

The first version of an ontologized metadata schema for digital twins in battery research, specifically coin-cell assembly and cycling studies.

Most recent version: March 2024

Edan Bainglass, Giovanni Pizzi

A documentation of our gained experience in designing user interfaces to interact with digital twins. We provide here a set of recommendations for designing such interfaces both in ELNs and WFMSs, covering storage, history tracking, analysis tools, and more, with an emphasis on user experience.

Most recent version: May 2024

Description coming soon.

Description coming soon.

Description coming soon.

Design standard templates, visualizers, and modular interfaces for materials science, including common machine-actionable workflows to predict materials properties

Description coming soon.

Description coming soon.

Description coming soon.

Description coming soon.

Coordinate and manage project tasks and organise outreach via follow-up MADICES conferences and online presence

Edan Bainglass, Caterina Barillari

The second workshop in the MADICES series brought together RDM platform representatives and ontology experts to discuss how to best facilitate ORD interoperability. See link for further details.

Giovanni Pizzi, Edan Bainglass, Fabio Lopes, Carlo Pignedoli, Caterina Barillari, Mihai-Cosmin Danaila, Nukorn Plainpan, Corsin Battaglia

The first set of reports detailing the work carried out by PREMISE.

Edan Bainglass, Caterina Barillari

Merged with D5.1

Description coming soon.

Description coming soon.

Description coming soon.