MADICES 2 workshop

April 22-25, 2024 in Berlin, Germany
By Edan Bainglass

The MADICES 2 workshop was held on April 22-25 in Berlin. The audience included experts from ELN and WFMS initiatives, and ontology knowledge base developers and administrators.

After an introductory session of presentations and discussion detailing individual/shared interest, the audience split into three primary working groups, each with a dedicated set of repositories for discussion and outcome (see below).

Working groups


  • The semantic annotation group developed a set of tools and examples demonstrating the process of semantically annotating datasets towards meaningful interoperability.
  • The platform communication group developed specification drafts and a demo for ORD interoperability between RDM platform in an agnostic manner (no a priori knowledge of respective APIs) leveraging RO-Crates.
  • The proprietary datasets group worked towards understanding the challenges facing interoperability of proprietary datasets (particularly in the field of catalysis) and promoted the use of (meta)data extractors developed by the MaRDA initiative to reduce the challenge in the short term.

Discussion and research efforts will continue on the relevant repositories mentioned above.